An Apology to Dr. Lazar

Subject: Apology & A Question, Dr. Lazar

Dear Dr. Lazar,

I want to sincerely apologize for losing my temper. It wasn’t right, and I know that. But I need you to understand where I was coming from. The Terminator once said, anger is more useful than despair, and maybe that thought got the better of me.

But let me ask you, doctor—what would you do if the woman you loved was sick, and the doctors didn’t do their jobs? If they kept pushing medicine for profit instead of following Hippocrates’ wisdom—let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food? What if they ignored real healing, simply because there was no money in it?

I know you’re a good man. And I know you’ve dedicated your life to helping people. But you must see what’s happening. Too many suffer because the system isn’t built to heal—it’s built to profit.

I hope you understand where I’m coming from. I lost my temper because I care. And I believe you care too.

Joe Jukic