10 Replies to “Cobra Attacks: Nova Festival”

  1. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and that You have told us what will happen before it happens so that we will believe. May I read, mark, and learn from all You have told me in the book of Revelation and may I be guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth.

  2. The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.

    Thomas Jefferson

    “Liberty has been planted here; and the more it is attacked, the more it grows and flourishes.” — Samuel Sherwood

  3. A megadeath refers to one million deaths, often used in the context of nuclear warfare, bioterrorism, or other forms of mass casualty incidents. The term was coined during the Cold War to calculate the potential death toll from nuclear weapons.

  4. You, Baron Rothschild, in your devil suit…and you Mr. Rockfeller and your beastly cult of death…

    go into the young Pope’s etna/gehenna/trash bin, along with your false prophet: television, main stream media.

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