“Lose Yourself” song by EMINEM: Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order …
‘In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king’, Erasmus (1466-1536)
Britney Spears Consoles Mel Gibson
Britney Spears found a friend in Mel Gibson back when she hit a rough patch in 2008 (otherwise known as her Shaved Head Period), and now, the pop star is returning the favor. According to a source, Spears has been talking to Gibson on the phone regularly since his abusive tirades against ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva leaked online. “Mel was one of the only people who reached out to help Britney when she was at her lowest point,” said the source, “and she believes that demonstrates what a loving and wonderful man he is. She wants people to give him a second chance — just like he gave her one when everyone else turned away.” (InTouch)
Eminem & Rihanna Shoot ‘Lie’ Video
On Tuesday, Eminem and Rihanna shot the music video for their duet “Love the Way You Lie,” which just ended Katy Perry’s reign at No. 1 on the Hot 100. The duo snapped a photo from the video’s set in L.A., and it looks like the Barbadian singer is still sporting the bright red hair she first debuted at Rock in Rio in June. Tweeted director Joseph Kahn before the shoot, “Got off a call. Emergency music video. Gonna write and turn in a treatment in three hours to shoot asap. Video is gonna happen. Lots of work to do now. Starts shooting Tuesday (July 20). Eminem & Rihanna. Off we go!” (RapRadar, JustJared)
Mel Gibson threatened to burn the house down with Oksana tied to the bed. Eminem is wearing a cross in his recovery videos. Eminem used to be very anti Christ in the past.
“Love The Way You Lie” track on the album “Recovery” with an unexpected feature of Rihanna. … I’mma tie her to the bed. And set the house on fire. Just gonna stand there. And watch me burn. But that’s alright. Because I like. The way …
Make me King? King of what? King of wiggers?
Fuck you casper. Why don’t you go get a woman to shit on your face. It’s what Hitler would do.
This website is in direct contravention to DIRECTIVE 5: Hate Crime. Please remove any anti-Semitic literature immediately or there will…be…trouble!
Fuck U PIG! GIVE me my motherfuckin’ forty acres!
Wake up nigger. U ain’t getting your 40 acres and a mule. Maybe if you were in some sort of work camp for a year or two like the Jews in WWII. Then the payout would be in the trillions.
He is breaking free of the occult, if you watch his video ‘not afraid’ you will see what i mean. No more illuminati slave
No body gunna change thic world.